Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling Report

Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) and Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR)


Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling Report

Most Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) applications or Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) registrations require the preparation of an Emission Summary and Dispersion Modeling (ESDM) report if the facility has the potential to cause an adverse effect and release contaminants into the natural environment.
Engaging in Environmental Reporting, specifically by preparing an ESDM (Emission Summary and Dispersion Modeling) report in Ontario, is a vital step in ensuring compliance with Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) applications or Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) registrations for facilities that may release contaminants into the natural environment.
SONAIR Environmental’s engineers have prepared countless ESDM reports for businesses of all sizes from family operated businesses to multi-national manufacturing facilities.
If you are wondering whether or not an ESDM in Ontario applies to your facility, contact one of our specialists for a free consultation.

Are you required to prepare an Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) report?

Businesses are obtaining an ECA that includes multiple activities and project types (e.g. air, noise, waste, or sewage projects). You must obtain permission from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks if your business releases pollutants into the atmosphere or onto the land (MECP) and pollutes the natural environment․ Moreover, contaminants including noise can cause health problems for people and wildlife. Environmental compliance is also the important type that means you are successfully abiding by a rule or standard that has been set for you, such as environmental law. It is important to comply so that you don’t face hefty fines which may be issued by the Ministry․ On top of this, the organization’s stakeholders will be more loyal and the customers will be able to see that you are conforming to what is expected. Environmental activity and sector mean to make sure that your company’s operations don’t harm the environment or other people. ECA & EASR in Ontario play a critical role in ensuring environmental protection and compliance.

Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling report must be prepared in accordance with Guideline A-10:

Procedure for Preparing an Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) Report, where one of the requirements is to use an approved air dispersion model to determine the fence line Point of Impingement (POI) concentrations.

Models must be prepared in accordance with Guideline A-11:

Air Dispersion Modelling Guideline for Ontario. Air dispersion model and terrain versions are updated from time to time by the MECP whom adopts from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Whenever the Ministry phases-in a newer version of the model and terrain files, these newly adopted versions will become the norm and will require assessments to use the new versions to model the results with.

Typical Processes and Activities Requiring Assessment

There is no simple answer as to what processes or activities may or may not require assessment and inclusion in the ESDM report. While certain processes or operations are more obvious than others, it is sometimes on a case-by-case basis. The following are some of the processes and activities that generally require assessment and inclusion in the report of ESDM in Ontario:

Overview of an ESDM Report

An Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling report forms an integral part of an ECA application or EASR registration. In general, an ESDM in Ontario outlines the processes and emissions a facility has and whether or not the facility is in compliance with the applicable limits and standards. An ESDM report must contain, at a minimum, the following components to be considered a complete report by the Ministry:

Overview of an ESDM Report

If you share a building with other tenants, it becomes especially important to assess for re-entrainment and the impacts your operations may pose on your adjacent neighbours. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks require the assessment of same structure contamination as part of the Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling report. Same structure contamination can be assessed using the Ministry approved model, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) methodology.

Overview of an ESDM Report

If your facility is eligible to register for an EASR instead of an ECA, the Ministry involvement for the review and approval of the registration will not be required. Instead, a Licensed Engineering Practitioner (LEP), such as SONAIR, will perform the assessment, review it, and obtain the approval for your company immediately upon the EASR registration. As a low-risk facility, obtaining an EASR will avoid the 6+ months review and approval period by the Ministry.
If you are unsure whether or not your facility in Ontario needs an ESDM report in support of your  ECA & EASR in Ontario registration, get in touch with one of our specialists for a free consultation.
Whether you require an Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) report for environmental compliance or an Acoustic Assessment Report to address noise concerns, SONAIR Environmental is here to assist you with comprehensive solutions tailored to your facility’s specific needs.

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